UnbeWEAVEable — To The Fullest


I have a confession to make. Ok, it's not really that big of a deal...I love my clip-in extensions! I crack jokes about them and my friends and I get a kick out of it (like the time when my roomba tried to eat my weave...true story), but these 8 tracks of human hair can really boost my mood and self-esteem. Is it vain and weird that my confidence and self-esteem are based on something so petty? Probably, but I don't care. They make me happy. I have thin, lifeless hair...but with my extensions I have volume, fullness, length, and much more hair to play around with. What's that saying..."fake it til you make it"...well I'm doing just that.

Wearing and caring for clip-in extensions is super easy, but I've heard first-hand that most women are intimidated by it. Why? I have no clue, maybe it's the process of trying to find and match your hair color, or figuring out exactly how to put them in without everyone catching on and realizing that thick mane of yours isn't all God-given. Whatever the reason, I decided to dedicate my very first video tutorial to WEAVE! 

Now, let me preface this video by stressing again that it is my very first tutorial. I'm much more comfortable with writing than I am actually being in front of a camera. I'm awkward and tend to make weird faces and talk with my hands; so, I apologize in advance if it's a bit distracting.

Yikes! Here goes....


Well....what did you think? Not hard at all, right? It's super easy to pop them in and blend with your natural hair (which is the key to wearing extensions). Wash them after a few wears and let them air dry...be sure to give them some TLC, like you would your real hair. 


If you have clip-ins and love them, shout it out below in the comments! 

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