Growing Pains — To The Fullest
Growing Pains

Growing Pains

The struggle is real.

It's no secret that this pregnancy hasn't been so easy for me, and today was no exception. I think I experienced my first Braxton Hicks contractions today (I'm uncertain because I read online most women find them to be similar to mild cramps...but these weren't mild by any means). Those pains eventually went away, but unfortunately the others are sticking around.

If you've noticed on my instagram stories and snapchats, I've been sporting these fancy pink strips on my preggo belly. It's kinesiology tape and I use it to help support my growing bulge and alleviate pressure off my aching pelvis. I was diagnosed with SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) back in May, and let me tell you, it fucking hurts. Like a knife stabbing you right in the center of your pubic bone and then the feeling of your pelvis being ripped apart. It's no fun, y'all. Walking hurts, sitting hurts, trying to get dressed hurts, rolling over in bed hurts. EVERYTHING. HURTS. The sudden, sharp pain has brought me to my knees at times, and now it's radiating to my back and tail bone. 

So long story short, I'm miserable. 

I try to push through the pain some days, and usually the day after, I pay dearly for it. I bought a brace from a local medical supply store the day of my diagnosis, but it's a full abdominal brace. So now that my belly has grown exponentially, I can no longer wear it. Enter the kinesiology tape. I had a roll from a previous injury and thought it was worth a shot to tape myself up. I know it sounds strange that some pieces of tape could help so much, but trust me, when applied correctly, they really do. Has it taken ALL of the pain away? No, but it's helped reduce my pain tremendously. I also reached out to the physical therapist who I worked with for my lisfranc fracture. One of her colleagues specializes in prenatal and postnatal care and I saw her last week. She said SPD is a tough to treat, but she showed me how to adjust my pelvis along with other exercises to help get my pelvic alignment back (so basically, SPD is when your ligaments loosen too soon before birth and your pelvis is this jiggly, unstable mess. I like to think of it like a bobble head just bouncing around).  Her biggest advice was to avoid making it worse, so finding modifications for anything that triggers the pain is crucial. Did I mention I'm so thankful I didn't let Dennis throw my geriatric shower chair away after my lisfranc injury? Cause it's a shower necessity now. Trying to stand on one leg to wash or shave with an out-of-whack pelvis is SO painful. 

Another good tip for anyone else suffering from SPD, or just being pregnant and uncomfortable in general, is getting in a pool as much as possible. Talk about instant relief! Our gym has a pool and I'll go late at night so I can have a lane to myself and I just float around like a dead body. Being buoyant and not having any weight on my joints feels AHHHHMAZING. I also try to do some water aerobics while I'm there and swim a few laps. It feels good to get my muscles working without experiencing pain. Getting out completely sucks though. Once your belly breaks the water's surface and gravity hits you, it's instant misery again (or at least for me it is). 

So, hopefully none of you fellow preggers are experiencing these growing pains like me, but if you are and you've got some good tips, please share! 


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