Weekend Run Around — To The Fullest
Weekend Run Around

Weekend Run Around

Who doesn't love the weekend? Those amazing two days we can do whatever our hearts desire: sleep in, catch a movie, cook an elaborate meal, visit family or friends. Yay for weekends! Most of the time, you can find me curled up on the couch with Brooklyn catching up on my favorite shows. This past Sunday though, I was on a mission, and I dragged my husband with me. I can usually never visit just one store. Oh no, not me. I'll pack in as many stores as I can get away with before my husband starts complaining that he's tired. Somehow, I never feel tired...maybe it's the adrenaline of shopping that keeps me going! 

So Sunday was no different...a laundry list of stores that I wanted to check out because I had certain ideas of things I'm trying to create. It was actually quite a nice day, not as cold as it has been lately here in New York (but 24 hours later we had almost a foot of snow). I was sure to wear comfortable shoes for all of the walking we were going to do, and I'm in love with my new Vans. I even veered off my agenda and bought a fun hat at Urban Outfitters. 

Outfit details and links below...

Winter Essentials

A Day in Brooklyn

A Day in Brooklyn