Lazy Sunday — To The Fullest

Lazy Sunday

Sometimes there really isn't anything better than a lazy Sunday; especially when it's absolutely freezing outside and you're a little under the weather (and over it). Spring can't get here fast enough! Lazy Sundays are the perfect Sundays, in my book: easy going with a little light reading, catching up on shows, and eating lots of comfort food (check back later this week for my Comfort Food post). This past week was exhausting as well with deadlines looming over my head at work, the weather being completely disgusting and gross, and my body telling me it desperately needs rest and some quality "me" time.  The mornings are already rough enough for me, but for some reason it was even harder to get moving. Some R&R was definitely on the to-do list for the weekend, as well as reading a bit more in my book, and a little work on the blog. 

Overall my lazy day has been wonderful, but now I have to force myself up and start getting things prepped and ready for another crazy week ahead. 

BTW, I'm obsessed with these sweat pants from Urban Outfitters. They're really soft and comfy...perfect for my lazy Sunday.

Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort

Motivational Monday 02.09