California Love — To The Fullest
California Love

California Love

WE'RE MOVING! It feels so good to finally be able to say it and share our upcoming adventure with everyone. As the title of this blog post suggests, we're heading out west. I've been patiently (or not, depending on who you ask) waiting to move; the novelty of NYC wore off after a few years, and I absolutely cannot deal with another cold, snowy's just not in my blood. So we're packing up and heading to sunny California! 

Obviously, leaving will be bittersweet. I've spent almost a decade here and will be leaving as a stronger and smarter woman with a better understanding of myself, life, and what it all means. Most importantly, I'll be leaving with life-long friendships from people whom I would be lost in this world without. I told my bestie that we can FaceTime and drink wine together, so there's no reason to get sad...but that was more for my own convincing than hers. 

On the bright side, Dennis and I are both eager and excited to start this next chapter in our lives. Picking up and moving your entire life isn't easy, I did it before by moving here, but I'm so grateful to be able to experience it with him this time, making memories along the way, and hopefully awesome stories to share. 

Speaking of sharing, I'm adding pics of my favorite things from our weekend trip to Cali last month. 

Boyfriend Denim Series: Part IV

Boyfriend Denim Series: Part IV

The Boyfriend Denim Series: Part III

The Boyfriend Denim Series: Part III