Horseshoe Bend — To The Fullest
Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Better late than never...

I took SO many pics during our drive from Mississippi to California. Most were taken in Arizona, at some of the most desolate places I've ever seen. I thought I grew up in the middle of nowhere, but rural Mississippi is nothing compared to some of the places we passed on our way to Horshoe Bend outside of Page, Arizona. We drove for HOURS without seeing a single car, home, or human. Most of that time we didn't have cell service either.

We saw some really amazing rock formations (I'm not a geologist, so I don't know the technical term...they were just huge rocks in the middle of nowhere). But the highlight of the day was definitely seeing Horshoe Bend, and I learned something about myself I hadn't ever experienced before. 

I'm scared of heights. 

Horshoe Bend has no guard rails and it's about a 1,000 foot drop to the Colorado River. EEK! There were so many people teetering next to the cliff's edge snapping made my heart race. There were people climbing out onto rock ledges dangling their feet over the edge; my husband desperately wanted to be one of them, but out of fear that I might have a full panic attack if he did, decided against it. The whole experience, as extraordinarily gorgeous as it was, took an emotional toll on me. I wouldn't dare get too close, there were just too many people for my comfort, so I wasn't able to capture a lot of the shots I had hoped I would. Plus, we brought Brooklyn on the hike with us, and he can easily get really crazy and excited. So that didn't help my nerves much anyway. 

Regardless, it really was a beautiful site, and we want to go back and kayak along the river and see the bend from a different perspective. And, of course, I want to go back on a non-holiday weekend when it's less busy and lay on my belly next to the edge to get the perfect shot (I've read online that lying on your belly helps diminish that overwhelming anxious feeling). Worth a shot...pun intended. 

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