Friendsgiving | 2015

Friendsgiving | 2015

I'm one lucky gal and have a lot to be thankful for: my husband, my family, BK, the roof over our heads, the food we stuff into our mouths, our health, a good-paying job, and those special people in our lives called friends.

Dennis and I are very grateful for all of our friends, most of which we left in New York and now only see through FaceTime or the occasional visit (hopefully those become more frequent). We're also grateful for new friends that we've made since moving to Cali. Carl and I have been friends since high school, and he's been a huge help and blessing with our move (BK absolutely loves him and I'm super jelly about it). He did us another favor by introducing us to his friends Amy and Chaz, and they've all been so kind and welcoming. We all celebrated Thanksgiving together, or as I like to call it, "Friendsgiving". There was so much delicious food, and I indulged in more adult beverages than I should admit to. We had a such a wonderful time and I'm really looking forward to creating more memories with these guys! Especially once I can start walking again. 

I really think I need to get Amy's recipes...the food was so good, y'all...I'm still dreaming about her chocolate pie! 

Lisfranc Update

Lisfranc Update

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend